EFTBA Veterinary Newsletter n°14

Dear Breeders,
To start 2015, it is a great pleasure to address to all the European breeders, the 14th edition of the EFTBA Veterinary Newsletter. As you know, our future successes in our studs and on the racetrack reside in a deeper knowledge of all veterinary and sanitary matters. With joined forces from all member countries at the EFTBA level, the Veterinary Committee is working year long on current and important issues such as the newborn commission on anabolic steroids chaired by Dr Des Leadon and involving well known experts around the table. I would like to thank for their dedication and contribution to the improvement of our Industry; not forgetting Hanspeter Meier, the great "chef d'orchestre" of this newsletter.
I shall take this opportunity to wish you, on behalf of all the Breeder’s associations composing the EFTBA, a wonderful year on and off the racetrack.
With kind regards,
Loïc Malivet
Chairman EFTBA
president Syndicat des Eleveurs